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von Kameke Immobilien

Frequently asked Questions

Good to know

Here you will find explanations of important real estate terms.

Land Register

A public register that provides information about the legal circumstances of a property, including ownership, encumbrances, and rights.

Broker's Commission

The fee that a real estate broker receives for their services, often a percentage of the sale price or rental sum.


A legal officer responsible for authenticating real estate transactions and certifying signatures.

Real Estate Transfer Tax

A tax incurred when purchasing a property or land, calculated as a percentage of the purchase price.

Living Area

The total floor area of all living spaces within an apartment or house.

Energy Performance Certificate

A document that represents the energy quality of a building and must be presented when selling or renting.

Rental Deposit

An amount that the tenant deposits with the landlord as security for possible damages or outstanding rent payments.

Utility Costs

Additional costs when renting a property, such as heating, water, and garbage collection, which are in addition to the basic rent.

Year of Construction

The year in which a property was built, relevant for assessing the condition and building substance.

Historic Preservation

Legal regulations that ensure the preservation of buildings with historical significance, often associated with specific requirements and funding.

Condominium Act (WEG)

Regulations concerning the ownership and management of condominiums.

Exclusive Brokerage Agreement

A contract in which a property seller works exclusively with one broker.

Rent Index

An overview of the local comparative rents, serving as a guideline for evaluating rental prices.

Land Charge

A right that allows the creditor to satisfy themselves from the debtor's property in the case of non-payment.

Declaration of Division

A document that regulates the division of a building into several residential units (condominiums) and the allocation of common areas.

Building Burden

An obligation of the property owner, registered in the building burden directory, to carry out or refrain from certain building measures.

Hereditary Leasehold

A contract in which a property is made available for use for a certain period in return for payment of a leasehold rent, without transferring ownership.

Pre-emption Right

The right to purchase a property under certain conditions before other interested parties.

Special Right of Use

A right that allows a condominium owner the exclusive use of a certain area of the community property (e.g., garden or parking space).


The declaration of the contracting parties to the notary that the ownership of a property is to be transferred.

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  • Do you need a partner who can make the sale or letting of your property seamless and successful?
  • Would you like to know the true value of your property? I will prepare a current market value appraisal for you at a price of € 500 plus VAT. Will be charged with brokerage order

Let's work together to lay the foundations for your successful property transaction. Simply fill out the form and I will contact you promptly to answer your questions and develop customised solutions for your specific requirements.

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von Kameke Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG · Buchenstraße 15, 90587 Obermichelbach
Phone +49 (0) 911 - 76 26 57 · Mobile +49 (0) 171 - 575 24 69 · This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
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von Kameke Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG
Buchenstraße 15, 90587 Obermichelbach
Phone +49 (0) 911 - 76 26 57 
Mobile +49 (0) 171 - 575 204 69
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Immobilienverband Deutschland IVD

Member of the German Real Estate Association IVD Bundesverband der Immobilienberater, Makler, Verwalter und Sachverständigen e.V.